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    The Micromax Canvas Doodle 2 has a 5.7" IPS LCD with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, which results in a density of around 257 ppi. Te Canvas Doodle 2 is powered by a MediaTek 6589 chipset with quad-core 1.2 GHz Cortex-A7 CPU and 1GB of RAM. A 2600 mAh battery powers the whole thing.

    You think tiny little pocket computers are complicated feats of engineering? They’re nowhere near as advanced as the human body, which is by far most complex thing known to man—and everyone owns one, too, so we’re all in the same boat. But do you even understand how things work, or care? Tinybop’s new app, Human Body, is designed to teach you all you need to know.

    Whether you're looking to print an Aston Martin or a birdhouse, Microsoft promises you'll be able to do it more easily with Windows 8.1. Redmond is looking to iron out the wrinkles currently associated with 3D printing -- like metadata loss during exporting and limited communication between apps and printers -- and make 3D printing more like 2D printing so it becomes "more seamless and ubiquitous."

    Touch screens on phones and tablets really have the X factor. Being able to text, phone or film something just by swiping your finger on glass almost makes up for all those other failed sci-fi promises of the 60s.
    But considering how futuristic touch screens seem, they rely on a bit of physics that's almost as old as Newton — capacitance — and the fact that your finger is three parts salty water.

    Samsung is expected to unveil its new smartwatch, the Galaxy Gear at a press conference set to take place on Sept. 4 in Berlin, just ahead of the IFA expo. With just a few weeks left before the official announcement, well-connected tech journalist Om Malik has a fresh list of specs and features he expects to see when the Galaxy Gear is revealed.