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    Though there wasn’t much mystery left after months of steady leaks, Nokia on Thursday finally took the wraps off of its new Lumia 1020 smartphone during a press conference in New York City. The new handset features a 4.5-inch AMOLED display, a 1.5GHz dual-core Snapdragon processor, 32GB of internal storage, 2GB of RAM and the Windows Phone 8 operating system,

    A new search engine targeted for Muslims called Halalgoogling(Halalgoogling.com) was launched Sunday. It is just like Google — minus nudity and anything else that's against Islamic law.
    For many observant Muslims, being able to “Google” something just isn’t an option.

    The Sony Xperia Z Ultra is real, it's official and... it's humongous. Sony calls its 6.44-inch creation a smartphone, most people would call it a phablet, and in reality it looks much more like a tablet than a phone. Heck, it even comes with a "handset" compact accessory to take calls!

    The kit was created by a Japanese company as a "catalyst between robotics and Raspberry Pi." The credit-card sized, Linux-based PC known as Raspberry Pi is designed to work with the basic hardware of Rapiro, allowing you to program it to do many things, such as manage your calendar or tell you the weather, in addition to making the coffee.