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    MINI ESSAYS 02 - My School Sports Meet

    My School Sports Meet


    We had our annual sports meet on the 14th of March. We were all happy and enthusiastic. Our school was decorated in colours.


    We started the preparations a month ago. All of us took part. The principal declared the meet open at 1.00 p.m. the athletic captain lighted the fire. The symbol of the inaugaration of the meet. Our chief guest was the minister of sports.


    The meet continued with the events of races, jumps and other track events. I took part in 100 metre sack race and in the 50 metres skipping race and came first only in the sack race. The prize I won was a small trophy presented by the minister of sports. Every event was the exciting and worth watching. Our class took part in the relay.


    At the end there was a march past where all the students took part. We marched grandly to the sound of beating drums of the school band. The events closed (finished) with the prize giving ceremony at 7.00 p.m. It was a great day in my life.