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    Don′t Lie

    Krishnan, a selfish richest man lived in a town. He lost a bag on his way back to town that contains 30 gold coins. He became sad because of this and told about that incident to his friend Somu. After few days Somu find a bag of gold coins on his way back from town. Somu guessed that the bag belonged to Krishnan and gave it to him.

    Krishnan, who received gold coins from Somu thought about a plan. He said to Somu, I had 40 gold coins in this bag. But now it had only 30 gold coins. He told Somu to return the remaining 10 coins. Somu is a very good person and everyone knows about his personality that he never wish for others things.

    The two friends went to the village head to end this confusion. The village head asked Krishnan how much gold coins he lost. He told a lie to village head that he lost 40 gold coins. Then, he asked somu How many gold coins you found? Somu told him that he found 30 gold coins.

    On hearing both their answers, the village head said to Krishnan, Somu found just 30 gold coins. But you lost 40 gold coins, so it can not be yours. If someone brings 40 gold coins, I′ll inform you. Now you can go. Then he said to Somu, you did not find Krishnan′s gold coins, so you can keep those gold coins with you. Krishnan was worried about the loss he suffered because of a lie he told.

    Moral: Always be Honest.